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Founded in 2008 as a spin-off of IES Solare with the main goal of providing O&M services to the solar energy industry, SOLARPLANT has enriched its know-how and skills to become one of the key players in central Italy in the design and development of clean energy plants. We have designed 40 energy facilities for solar, wind and hydroelectric power that have been transformed into over 54 MW of installed hydro and solar capacity.
SOLARPLANT is a partner of the SOLIDpower Group, one of the world’s leaders in SOFC, (Solid Oxide Fuel Cells), and promotes fuel cell micro-cogeneration at the LUCENSE Sustainable Construction Laboratory (Laboratorio del Costruire Sostenibile).
We sell and install BlueGEN, the micro-cogenerator with the highest electrical efficiency level in the world (up to 60%) powered by natural gas. The BlueGEN micro-cogenerator produces abundant power (13,000 kWh/year), all the while being combustion-free and without emitting particulate or nitrogen/sulphur oxide. BlueGEN is suitable for installations in private houses, residential structures, public/commercial buildings and at SMEs. BlueGEN qualifies for Italy’s ECOBONUS fiscal benefit programme.

We provide clients with efficient engineering solutions to produce energy from renewable, low-environmental-impact resources.
We specialise in the design, development and manufacture of hydroelectric power and solar plants, micro-cogeneration systems, and we are working on wind farms to ensure sustainable energy production.
We bring electricity to areas off the power grid. The experience we have gained over the years in the field of power generation systems and a partnership with SOLIDPower led to the idea of using SOFC fuel cells in a system that meets the needs of those who are not connected to energy networks (‘off-grid’ systems).

… for
We provide solutions to clients who want systems powered by renewable sources, who want to implement efficient energy measures or who need power in locations that are off the grid.

Our mission is to raise awareness and increase the sustainable use of natural resources by promoting energy efficiency.
We want to collaborate with local governments and businesses to create environmental value: a new model for growth founded on socio-economic progress and respect for the environment to improve it and lay the foundations for the wellbeing of future generations.

Contact us
Website: www.solarplant.it
Email: info@solarplant.it
Phone: (+39) 0586/903010

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